GP Partners

Dr Kathryn Bannell
(GMC No 4021542)
BM (1993 Southampton), MRCP, MRCPH, DCH, FRCGP
Kathryn qualified at Southampton in 1993 and worked extensively in paediatrics before deciding to join the local VTS scheme in order to become a GP. She finished her training in March 2005, having achieved a distinction in her RCGP exam, and is a full time partner. Having qualified as a trainer Kathryn supports the GP Registrars and F2 doctors that we have working with us at the surgery on a regular basis. Kathryn is an examiner for the RCGP for the post-graduate exam in general practice and has an interest in assessment and standards of GP training. She is also the Clinical chair of the GP federation – Southern Hampshire Primary Care Alliance and is involved in transformation of services across the Portsmouth and South East Hampshire area. She has three children and runs when she has the time! She is also the Clinical chair of the GP federation – Southern Hampshire Primary Care Alliance and is involved in transformation of services across the Portsmouth and South East Hampshire area. Dr Bannell is also the Associate Medical Director of QAH in primary care. Her commitment to the practice remains unchanged.

Dr Adele Bevan
(GMC No. 7083915) BSc, MBBS, MRCGP
Adele joined The Grange in 2021 as a Partner. She did a Biomedical Science degree at King’s college London specialising in Anatomy and then graduated as a doctor from St George’s Medical School in 2010. She qualified as a GP from the Frimley VTS in 2015 and worked as a salaried GP at her training Practice in Farnham. She enjoys teaching and has recently been approved as an FY2 supervisor. She plans to continue with her joy of teaching and aims to be a GP trainer. Adele is interested in the environment and backs the NHS’s commitment to be become ‘carbon net zero’ by 2040. She lives locally with her husband, 2 young children and their dog. She loves to keep active through yoga and chasing after her kids at the park.

Dr Virginia Venning
Dr Venning works part time. After spending three years working in hospitals she qualified as a GP more years ago than she cares to remember. Initially working in London, in deprived and diverse areas such as the East End, she spent a year in Mongolia and then several years in Hong Kong. Returning to England, she has been based in Hampshire for more than a decade. Her areas of clinical interest are women’s health and mental health. She has a young family and enjoys getting into the countryside whenever possible with them (and sometimes without).

Dr Cilla Rosen
Salaried GP
(GMC No 3543580)
BM (1991 Southampton) MRCGP
Dr Rosen qualified from Southampton medical school in 1991 and gained experience as a junior doctor in general medicine, surgery, A and E, obstetrics and gynaecology, ENT, paediatrics and ophthalmology. I then joined the GP training scheme in Portsmouth, passing the MRCGP in 1996 and subsequently working in general practice in Portsmouth. I spent nearly 10 years in Los Angeles where I spent most of my time caring for my young children interspersed with some medical volunteer work in Mexico which involved flying in small planes and landing on dirt air strips! I subsequently returned to general practice in the UK, sitting more exams before completing a supervised and assessed placement here at The Grange. I have since been employed here as a salaried GP and I am very much enjoying working with the excellent team of doctors, nurses, admin and reception staff.

Dr Katie Johnson
GP Retainer
(GMC No. 7148723) MRCGP
Dr Johnson graduated from Southampton Medical School in 2011. I then went on to complete my junior doctor training at North Hampshire Hospital completing rotations in Surgery, Orthopaedics, General Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, A&E and General Practice. I enjoy the diversity of General Practice and the continuity of care it offers and joined the Southampton GP training programme in 2013, finishing in 2016. I began working as a locum for the Grange in November 2017 and became a salaried GP in September 2018. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family and exploring the local countryside.

Dr Marc Stoessel
Speciality Trainee GP
(GMC No. 7882292) Qualification: MD (2020 University of Basel)
Marc is a dedicated GP trainee who completed his medical education in Switzerland in 2020, where he also worked as a doctor in acute geriatrics and rehabilitation and contributed to research on multiple sclerosis. After moving to the UK, Marc expanded his experience by working in general and acute medicine before joining the local VTS scheme. His training included rotations in Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Old Age Psychiatry, preparing him for a well-rounded career in general practice. Now a part of the team at The Grange Surgery, Marc will complete his GP training here. In his free time, he enjoys hiking and exploring the nature, showing family and friends around the UK, and de-stressing at the gym.

Dr Celia Cornes
Practice Management

Julieanne Page
Practice Manager
Julieanne joined the surgery in March 2019 as the deputy practice manager and became practice manager in August 2019. She has an extensive hospital background with many years management experience where she developed skills in operational management, business development and has previously acted as the CQC Registered Manager. She is well organised and does have an interesting record of achievements working within NHS and private secondary healthcare settings. Julieanne has made many changes to the surgery and keen to continue, with the continued support of her team, many more.

Traci Buxton
Deputy Practice Manager
Traci joined the surgery in 2013 as a Receptionist. Her background included administration and supervisory roles at IBM for over 20 years. Soon after starting, Traci was promoted to Reception Manager. Five years later she became Administration Manager and is now in her current role as Deputy Practice Manager working closely with and supporting the Practice Manager Julieanne. Traci has an enthusiastic work ethic and is constantly striving to deliver excellent customer service to all patients.

Paula Clark
Reception Manager
Paula joined the surgery in January 2018 as a part time prescription clerk. She also took on a reception role in September 2018 and in August 2019 was promoted to Reception Manager. Paula’s background includes working for De Beers as a rough diamond sorter and travelled to Antwerp, Russia, Siberia and Africa where she lived for nearly 5 years. Paula thoroughly enjoys her roles in the surgery and her dedicated team strive to help and support the patients and doctors in a very busy environment.
Nursing Team
Our nurses look after most of the chronic disease management in the practice, carry out smears, give travel and lifestyle advice, administer dressings and deal with minor illness. Julie joined us with an extensive background in hospital nursing specialising in surgical care. The team is supplemented by our Healthcare Assistants.

Sister Beth
Practice Nurse

Sister Lucy
Practice Nurse

Sister Lisa
Practice Nurse

Claire Dunn
Practice Nurse

Healthcare Assistant

Kate Kelk
Healthcare Assistant

Megan Hunt
Home Visiting Service

Fraser Rowbotham

Dave Gane

Kevin Lindsay